Sunday, February 28, 2010


For my Personal Learning Network(PLN), I have a blog and Facebook. I try to respond to as well as post to other people's blog. I use facebook on an everyday basis to stay in contact the teachers as well as fellow students I've met here on campus and teachers whose class I was once in.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some other things you can do to move your PLN forward:
    Beth Still suggests this Instant PLN to create a list of teachers to follow. Also you should read this NY Times article Getting the Most Out of Twitter

    And be sure you look at David and Jacki's new blog Mathis Gorski EDM310 Projects

    You also cannot afford to miss Jackie's own personal account of her PLN development The Evolution of My PLN - Initial Post

    It does take time! That's why I had to get you started NOW!
